Friday, February 6, 2009

Sounds from The Ground (The Third Report from "Martha" In Valley, Alabama)

My cyber friend "Martha" emailed me again this afternoon. From prior posts, Martha is an elderly young lady who has sounds coming from underground near here residence in Valley, Alabama, United States. Valley, Alabama is just a mere 45 minutes drive from my home but I cannot get Martha or members of her family to allow me to investigate.

Last night Martha and and her cousin (I am assuming they live together)taped on cassette some of the noises that they encountered around 10:30p while sitting on their front porch. I was not played the recordings and so I really can't vouch for anything anomalus. In the past, Martha has described mechanical sounds coming from under a field just beside her home. The sounds are those akin to a large machine digging or rotating. Sometimes she described metal-on-metal or a heavy thumping vibration that not only she has felt but other members such as her female cousin and a nephew.
Where ever Martha is, she's not giving up the location either a.) this whole episode that has been going for months now is not real OR b.) Martha and her family are scared shitless and DO NOT want to know the true origin of these strange auditory anomolies. I'd like to hope for the best in picking scenario "b".
For now I am just going to be Martha's friend and hopefully she'll gain my trust over time.

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